Adding Files

By adding files to your website it gives you the ability to make different types of files available for your visitors to download, or you can upload a flash movie (swf, flv) for your visitors to view.

To add a file, please follow these steps:


  1. Navigate to the page you would like to add a file to. Select the content you would like to add a file to or start a new block of information.

  2. Click the ”File (pdf, video, etc)” tab to expand the file options


  1. To locate your file click the “Browse” button and select the file from your computer. Your file may be a maximum size of 100MB.

  2. If you are uploading a flash movie (swf, flv) then you may specify a width and height. If you do not enter in a width or enter a width greater than 525 pixels wide your movie will be automatically adjusted to be 525 pixels wide. If you upload a flv video, there is a flv player that will automatically load the flv video.

  3. If you would like to give your file a name or display a caption below your flash movie then enter text into the caption field. If you do not give your file a name, the name of the file will be the original name of the file that you uploaded.

  4. Once you have selected your file and options click “Save”.

Note: When you are uploading larger files, it may take a few minutes for the file to upload so please be patient.


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